Hopefully it's only out of sheer ignorance. This site will change all that for you now. At some point we will become accountable for what we know.
Perhaps we have trigger buttons that get pushed that cause us to compulsively do what we know isn't good for us. These triggers can be from something from childhood, a memory or hurt that makes us feel a certain way so that we must self medicate to comfort ourselves. Sounds deep, like mumbo jumbo but perhaps it's something to consider ...why we do what we do? Or why do we eat what we eat? So why do we eat, drink, or smoke our way into a crippling illness?!?- Consider the idea of H.A.L.T. behind wrongful eating choices etc:
Depression Tips:
Get help. Have a new plan and recognize the tendency to be depressed. Watch for the red flags and take action whether genetics or past loss or abuse; get therapy to work through it. Take meds, say YES to drugs on this one if indicated to get you balanced out or over the hump and into counseling !
Get sunshine, rest and fresh air. Go outside! Exercise!
Get connected in a support group. Call a friend!
Go to church. Seek God. Pray. Read Scripture! Psalm 16.
Give back in service somehow. Don't isolate, call a friend!
Get healthy! Watch the triggers and lousy sugar diet triggers.
Get new music. Go to the movies!
Read a new book. Call a friend!
No friends? Be a friend to someone! Ecclesiastics 4:9-12
Go on vacation. Get a massage!
Do something for yourself. A hobby!
Feed the homeless!
God Bless you! Oh yeah.....Call a friend!
Educate yourself on emotional health issues from the best resources we know of:
See their online answers on video!! Wow! What a great Help!!
1 comment:
I think people (or most at least) have a general predisposition to inflict on themselves pain and disappointments; god, i sound really depressing....
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