Actually, there are no simple, single agent cures, magic pills that can fix all our ills while we continue to keep doing the same harmful thing while expecting a different result! Sorry, it requires a balance in all things. Not a moderation of vices but a collective effort of many things that will play into our health recovery process. Even if we are terminal we can make a difference and make changes that can give us more good days, feeling better at the least with the time we have left. Nevertheless, there is always HOPE! Say it again....I wanna live!!
FYI: I have seen more "miracles" via nutritional interventions than by just medical or spiritual means alone!
Health and healing has many facets. I am grateful for medical science in acute trauma, infectious and emergency crisis care intervention. Mental health treatments with medication is profound!
Many things play into managing our metabolic condition. I believe that exercise, being outdoors in fresh air and sunshine, getting good rest and having FUN and going on vacation is as vital as eating well! Taking time out to relax and meditate. Having My Higher Power to turn over all those things I am powerless to change or control, reduces my stress level. Having faith and hope that God is seeing the bigger picture than my narrow limited view from my perch in life is essential to my peace. I believe in the power of prayer! Knowing God hears my prayers and cares for me is awesome. Having people praying for me when I am unable or lacking strength is life changing. Me giving back in service what God has given is what He has us go through things for. To be of help to someone else someday in the same situation. He can take all things and work them for good for those who believe...
Knowing I have supportive relationships and wonderful friendships to help me on my physical and emotional journey when life is hard is a God send. We need an accountablity buddy for support in our quest for health recovery and my buddy is Shelly. She is one of a kind. Thank you Shel!! Love you! 8:)
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