Our immune system if in good shape from getting the nutrients it needs to keep us alive and healthy will be on auto pilot if we ACT right and EAT good! Choosing God's foods he prepared for us to live on! (Double click on attachment to enlarge)
This is the list of things we need to daily eat or consume in order to be healthy or to begin a restoration healing process.
This is the answer to feeling better right here. It can only do you good! No one can say what eating healthy will do for you. You can notice just about anything based on your past eating habits! All changes evolve in time. Healing is cyclical. Old cells dying off and new ones all zapped with a new energy. Watch and see. Do this because....You wanna LIVE first and foremost then all the other "perks" will be added unto YOU!!
Notice the LIMIT in the protein section...it's acceptable to eat only 3-6 oz of an animal product per day if you must. NOT PER MEAL!!
National Cancer Institute recommends 6-10 fresh vegetable or fruit per day! A dark green leafy vegetable per day! This is to prevent cancer! This list will keep you busy eating and surprisingly a comfortable 1200-2000 calorie diet if you are compulsive enough to count! I don't have to, I don't eat junk enough to have to count them. Actually, these are considered free foods like most of them you can eat all you want!
Fresh raw veggies and JUICES are very powerful. I cheat getting my vegetables. I will drink a dark green glass of BARLEY juice daily since 1986. That changed the way I understood the power of nutrients! WOW I am grateful to have found that link to my health! I also do a daily FIBER supplement full of herbs just in case I did partake of something void of health like a piece of birthday cake or some treat to keep things moving at a normal rate instead of getting clogged up from the JUNk!
I live by the 80%-20% rule. Because I live in this world I will join others at a meal (I wouldn't necessarily fix) to maintain closeness with the people I love. If I was a freak about this nobody would like me or invite me over! See what I mean? 80% good maybe 20% bad per week is my alotment. On most days even 90%-10% is possible!
Critical for living is the fiber found in plant foods. It helps our transit time for digestion be a normal 18 hrs instead for 72 hours over in the Standard American Diet list.
Do check out the Bible verses if you have a Bible! This diet has been around since the flood. That's when MEAT eating came into the picture. As long as they were grass eating or vegetarian animals they were considered clean. Meat was just introduced to help us until we could plant after the flood dried up! Before that there was the Genesis diet...everything that grew as a plant was all we needed to live over a hundred years. Think of the huge COW or cattle...they just eat grass!! Look how big and strong THEY are! Pray about your main dependence on meat/dairy and your reservations about

******************Like salt?? Try VegSal or Amino Acids to flavor cooking. Like sugar?? Try Agave nectar or raw honey to sweeten!! Organic apple cider vinegar with the stuff floating is the ticket for real health!!
These are healthy alternatives for every KITCHEN!!!!
To cheat on your diet stop in here! Learn to cheat "WELL" if you are going to cheat!! We are all for it! 8>))

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