Monday, August 03, 2020

What about those government FOOD pyramids anyway?

All that man needs for health and healing has been provided by God in nature, 
the challenge of science is to find it.     Paracelsus

ACUTE chemical manipulation and industry induced illness began as a social experiment on the trusting public most obvious since 1980;s.  What Americans actually have done for the last 30 years with the recommended USDA 1980-1992 FOOD PYRAMID guidelines looks like this graphic above. It is the gateway to internal inflammatory conditions!  It is the glorified standard American diet! Obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease stats skyrocketed in just a decade after following the very unhealthy government food pyramid officially released in 1992.  NOPE!  We cannot blame these escalating adversities on the bad family genes!  Nearly all mainstream med doctors, nurses and registered dietitians are trained to obediently promote and continue to do so, naively convinced the USDA FOOD PYRAMID is actually healthy!

Since the early 1900's the government has been conducting social experiments on the public with various medical and diet suggestions!   It wasn't until the last 30 + years or so that we have witnessed such a convoluted mess of "advice" perpetuated by and rammed through from special interest BIG FOOD and BIG PHARMA!  Who bows down to worship and carry out the latest in government idea's about health, diet and prevention strategies?  Modern medicine or what I now refer to as political medicine!  To be fair the health care industry is NOT the only entity that has gone political to secure profits.  Since the 1980's we find the USDA FOOD PYRAMID is nothing more than political BIG FOOD organizations dictating suggestions, through lobbying and making huge campaign donations to the politicians they expect to protect their industry business profits while throwing the health of the nation under the bus! The biggest persuaders?  Commercial beef, poultry, pork and dairy, GMO corn, sugar, HFCS, soy and wheat farmers are subsidized by government and all these foods are fed to school children from the surplus.  Plumped up our children with obesity within the first decade!  BIOTECH corporations responsible for creating bombs and chemicals to kill things are now able to dump their toxic excess chemicals into our food system, water ways and  medications.  What we have witnessed in return are synonymous exploding stats in obesity, diabetes, cancer, GERD, heart disease, asthma, fatty liver, CAD, depression, hormone disruption, cognitive decline in children and adults thus the Alzheimer's epidemic super rare only a few decades back.  Guess who just happens to own the patent medical treatments for each of these now common medical issues?  Guess...

Lets take a look at what I am sharing today in hindsight.  Up until perhaps 1981 or so there were actually legit leaders in nutritional science who crafted a suitable unbiased recommendation for eating a well balanced diet rich with antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber needed to sustain health for many years.    Luise Light who had helped create the unrevised 1980 recommendations wrote a book about the industry collusion and intimidation.  Fatally Flawed Food Guide by Luise Light, Ed.D , she was a leader of a group of top-level nutritionists with the USDA who developed the eating guide that became known as the Food Guide Pyramid only it wasn't what the nutritionists decided.  In 1992 they published the 1980 deconstructed pyramid to encourage milk drinking, processed junk food, trans fat, hydrogenated GMO vegetable oils and margarine and and a reckless amount of starchy-grains daily.  Her warning was that it would cause an epidemic of obesity and diabetes and that is not all it caused.  She was right!

There was the USDA botanist Dr James A. Duke who traveled the world exploring plants with medicinal benefits including those that caused cell death to cancer cells.  His data base on all medicinal plants studied over his 30 year career until they shut down his program is HERE.  BIG PHARMA and political medicine would never thrive if people got them selves well or stayed healthy without chemical dependency, thus many research programs were de-funded.  Political medicine is quick to accept their marching orders from the industry executives strategically on the decision making board with an extreme vested interest in the sale of various food, medicine or vaccine patents at CDC, HHS, and USDA organizations.  It seems mainstream medicine is their puppet on a string. They get a steady stream of new sick people to get paid handsomely to manage reimbursed by government programs while also charging horrendous premiums to the patient.  Indoctrinated with the BIG PHARMA promoting curriculum in school and coming out practicing medicine with zero training in clinical nutrition, a silent storm of death and preventable chronic and autoimmune disease is unleashed upon the unknowing public. Industry induced illness is the biggest threat we have today facing human health.  There are industry shills in place everywhere to quickly shut down the conversation, if its possible, via censorship, propaganda and fake news.

Ms Lights food pyramid, she claims was replaced with recommendations that were to protect the bottom line of various fast food industry restaurants, cattle, dairy or grain farmers.  Whoever gives the most money WINS legislation that favors their industry! Nothing has changed today except it has gotten worse with politics  and power behind every health mandate or clinical standards of care since.  Iatrogenic Disease is killing 100's of thousands every year, and has even been declared the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA!  The politically driven media only reports on what their sponsors want them to report. Pay attention to the commercials for the shows you watch.  Americans following institutional advice may be like sheep blindly walking themselves to the slaughter house taking advice from those with almost no training in healthy eating.  In fact the people walk out of the office with the very diet for their new diagnosed illness that may cause them to need to be on medicine the rest of their life.   Nobody cares about the conflict of interest decisions affecting yours and my health because they are being paid in some cases millions of dollars to zip their lips!  Pouring hazmat chemicals such as fluoride, arsenic, and other heavy metals in the tap water affecting certain communities worse than others is the norm in the USA and nobody is calling them out on it.  (Read: Fluoridation: The Battle of Darkness and Light. ) WHY? because when we become ill with an industry induced illness, most physicians don't have any root cause training to figure out how it happens.  Its very convenient to dismiss that talk. They never look at the why and how you got sick.  They just want you to take your new medicine.  You got bad genes or your condition is idiopathic is the standard response when asked why or how. That's all they know to offer besides surgery or radiation.  That's it.  But this I know for sure, I love acute care medicine in an emergency.  Hands down they can save a life in the ER with all the cutting edge skill and technology at their disposal!  WOOT WOOT for that!

The art of healing comes from nature, not from the physician. 
Therefore the physician must start from nature, with an open mind.     
Paracelus  1493-1541

Cheer up there is HOPE!  Choose a health savvy functional or integrative medicine physician for root cause resolutions and solutions to your health dilemma!  We gotta SAVE OURSELVES!  Choosing the highest quality real food choices with a one word ingredient most often will not leave room for craving or consuming bad choices!  Choosing organic most often and eating these foods FIRST in the day will be the biggest game changer for health recovery.  Reversing unwanted symptoms and boosting your energy levels will never be accomplished if we don't start giving our body what it needs to heal itself!   There will never be the magic bullet for the almighty cure for anything in my opinion.  There is always going to be a combination of food and lifestyle choices that will bring the change we seek!  Nobody can do for us what we must do for ourselves.  We were not born with a chemical deficiency.  We have become chemically manipulated from a body burden of environmental toxicity!  

Say this, "I WANNA LIVE!"

You will love the encouragement and support you will receive and health recovery action steps to be able to make sustainable changes that heal, after reading my new book called
THE HEALTH RECOVERY ZONE!   AVAILABLE NOW!!  I am so excited for you to be able to encourage your faith while also renewing your mind about how wellness works or NOT!  There is HOPE!


I make NON toxic sunscreen for my skin!

This is a very HOT topic for many.  Sunshine good or sunshine bad?   Well, first off,

Vitamin D is GOOD 

and linked to every cellular and hormone function we have to be healthy.  What hormones?  Thyroid function, cholesterol, pancreatic enzymes for insulin/sugar regulation, sex hormones etc etc.  We can't function properly without it!  Best way to get what you need is just 20 minutes in sunshine WITHOUT sunscreen on your skin, ie face, neck, torso and arms.

I never miss out on a good sunny day outside for a walk around but I sure do NOT advocate getting sunburn EVER!  Sunburn leads to wrinkles and ages us and will produce those  pesky basal cell skin cancers that show up on most folks in their later years as a testament of all the fun they have had in the sun over a lifetime!  So, staying indoors instead will also lead to our demise.

What to do?  

I met someone years ago at our favorite holiday "river" spot for a full few days of boating and water skiing etc.  She was a fair red head that was plagued with sun poisoning if exposed for over 1 hour in the hot sun.   We all should know our LIMITS for sun exposure and heed to the warning signs! She often would miss out on all the fun due to this problem until she discovered Vitamin B-6 50 mg tabs! Yes, that is right!  She was advised to take 1 capsule twice per day for 2-3 days prior to the holiday and during the weekend.  Guess what?  It worked!  She could hang with the rest of us along with her sunscreen and did every year after that!

I have been doing this ever since 1-2 days before a fun weekend outside especially when it is the first sunshine of the season.  It helps tremendously for some reason.  I believe from experience, the more "toxic" we are from a lifestyle of junk food and toxins that are stored in our "FAT CELLS" that our poor diet will make us burn faster.  However, the cleaner my food choices are and the more nourished I am, I rarely will burn now.

Do I use sunscreen?  Yes and NO!  No to the toxic chemicals, carcinogens and hormone disruptor's in commercial sunscreens.   Yes, to natures coconut or extra virgin olive oil that has a natural spf of 8-10.  Both oils my skin will drink up and not stay greasy for very long.  Bad oils (baby oil etc) will NOT soak in and are reasons for a lot of skin cancers in America cooking themselves in the sun!  To MY healthy mix I add a few tsp of raspberry seed oil or carrot seed oil both with a natural SPF of maybe 30 to my 1/2 cup of coconut oil(my favorite and doesn't go rancid).  I add a few 1-2 TBS of zinc oxide to my preferred oil.  Beeswax can thicken it some so it stays on the skin longer. Then, I  add some skin nourishing essential oils like lavender, geranium, ylang ylang, myrrh or frankincense.  It smells wonderful and is the best moisturizer I could EVER want in this life before or after the sun!  A 30 spf is sufficient in most cases and for the real protection I seek cover with a HAT, UMBRELLA or clothing to cover up when I have had enough WITHOUT the harsh chemicals!  I drink plenty of WATER outside in sunshine because most of the other drinks one might choose ie soda's, booze and sports drinks are all trouble and dehydrating with chemical additives that aren't good for me. We NEED WATER!

Most dermatologists are dead set against anyone going in the sun but they also make a living selling their surgeries and skin products. They do NOT study in medical school root causes so this is not their area of expertise.  People that get melanoma which is the deadly skin cancer often find it in places the sun never shines like in between toes or other spots hidden from the public view!  Likely, not sun related but the other non serious skin cancer like BCC definitely linked with sun abuse I expect.

I believe we will soon hear about chemical toxicity linked with this melanoma cancer that we will be rethinking the lack of understanding on how sickness and disease and cancer happens. Smoking and alcohol abuse pushes us up in front of the line for trouble too.  Meanwhile, this is another area I will avoid chemicals on my skin.  WHY?

My skin is an incredible detox organ!  I would not put anything on my skin that is not safe to EAT!  So this is what I do as much is in my power to do so.  What do I do if I suspect a skin cancer?  First I try this black salve made from the blood root plant.  Been around for centuries AND costs almost nothing.  It will in a few days surround and attack any abnormal cancer cells and kill it with perfect margins and in a week it will fall out and heal from the inside out.  I've done it and it works great.  But you can get yours cut off from a plastic surgeon if you prefer if you can afford it.  Another thing that I have used to rid some benign skin growths like warty- kerotosis types is dab on organic apple cider vinegar on the spot a few times per day for a week or so.  The thing turns black, scabs and falls off! Perfect!

Where do I start improving food choices?

Best place to start?  The daily GREEN DRINK!  Just ask MzEatright!

God made the human body within his POWER of CREATION to do an amazing can heal itself!   The quality of this repair depends on a few other factors:

  • Do I give my body the daily nutrients it NEEDS to maintain and KEEP wellness?
  • Do I give my body the nutrients it needs to repair, renew and rejuvenate itself for ENERGY?
  • Do I manage to live a poison, toxin and chemical free life where it is within my power to do so?
How we honestly shine the light in these dark secret places of our daily indulgence and habits will make or break the autopilots ability to do its JOB!

We gotta eat our vegetables, drink clean water, breathe fresh air and walk outside in sunshine to really change things up.  It's NOT about a drug and vaccine deficiency that our body is missing but quite the opposite.  Drugs, alcohol, smoking and daily artificial colors and flavors,  is siphoning out all the nutrients from our body that are required to STAY healthy.  Then completely deficient; will leave us plopped over in a ditch!  Don't wait til you are in trouble to pinpoint HOW the nutrients have been sucked out of your immune system which leave you vulnerable for sickness and preventable disease!

ALL drugs have dangerous side effects, as they are listed ON TV with every commercial to get a new drug problem opportunity!

Save YOURSELF and say this, "I wanna LIVE!"    Then get back to eating real food, NOT made in a factory and for God's sake EAT for your LIFE to LIVE!!

Are we deliberately kept in the dark about how wellness works?

So many people are absolutely CLUELESS when it comes to health and how it works!  Even those who are on staff at the downtown medical office don't have any idea how sickness happens and how to prevent the typical chronic diseases of our day!  Everybody keeps walking pel mel down the road to destruction without ever assuming they may be the very ones who are to blame for their health consequences from poor choices.  BUT it is NOT your fault!!  How would you know what to do if it is NOT TAUGHT in school or medical schools? 

This is really a pet peeve of mine.  Sheer ignorance from the healthcare industry which is indeed, the missing piece of the puzzle as we face the largest health care crisis in history costing tax payers and private payers billions each year when 80%-90% of it is preventable!!  There are those who know the truth about the causes of our disease problems that are not telling the masses the truth!  There are those who profit by our diseases who lobby the politicians, lawmakers, CDC, FDA who own patents or profit on the solutions they often do suggest, and the healthcare industry. 

For thousands of years there have been foods placed in the earth for our health and wellness!  People are NOT eating foods like that anymore!   When you combine a diet deficient in the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to KEEP us out of the hot seat of preventable illness with all the modern day chemicals floating about our air, water, soil and processed foods that come from a factory it is no wonder at all!  We have been shooting ourselves in the foot and we have been the biggest offenders to the laws of nature! 

There is HOPE!  There ARE things we CAN do living in this modern toxic world!  I have created a
online 6-week e-class called

Health Recovery 101

which is an excellent support for a small group venue! It is designed to be a one stop spot to learn the BIG PICTURE and get back on the road to Health Recovery!  Contact me for details! No matter where you are on the path toward health and wellness there is a way to restore, re-balance and renew your strength, stamina and energy and reduce your risk of an impending health demise! 

"We Gotta SAVE OURselves!"

Saving money making your own tincture, lotions, salves and extracts!

One of my favorite things to do is provide information for my clients,  about how to save money making their own healing remedies, with little effort, from targeted herbs and flowers from GOD’s garden to aid in a speedy recovery from adverse events we may encounter in life!

I teach my clients how to reduce their own exposure to everyday chemicals which can exacerbate hormone dysfunction, insulin resistance, brain fog, headaches, belly problems, insomnia  and unpleasant skin conditions.  I will always research the science on the herbs I may need to support a certain goal for myself and suggest everyone does the same.  Some plants are poisonous but many hiding in plain sight are edible and medicinal!  Everyone must explore the safety and efficacy from skilled herbal professionals in the area they are exploring.  God put these plants in nature to support the human body to heal itself when special circumstances or injuries evolve!  What we have been doing instead as a culture is proving to be causing more harm than good in many cases!

For combinations that will enhance a soothing healing experience for skin issues, outbreaks, scrapes, burns, stings and bites I will either infuse healthy oils for a cream or salve or I’ll use witch hazel infused for a cool spray on!  My solvent or base will also be a superior choice for the job, most likely organic EVOO, coconut oil, MCT oil, avocado, grape seed oil or witch hazel that has many healing properties within itself!  For herbal tinctures, I'll use vodka 40% for soft flowers and herbs and perhaps a 75%-95% alcohol for very hard, dry or resinous herbal concoctions. (They need to brew in a dark cool cupboard shaken every few days for 3-8 weeks at least!)  100% vegetable glycerin, raw honey or apple cider vinegar will also infuse the vital properties from the plant over several weeks.  For under the tongue tinctures I may infuse the herbal combo with 3/4 glycerine and 1/4 alcohol to thin it, strengthen the shelf life and boost the infusion process!  Each solvent will pull different elements from the plant being used and thus, also will vary in how long the product will last. Many times I will use vinegar for culinary herbs and flavorings for things I cook up on the stove for dinner! I love filling a little spice jar with fresh cut garlic, or rosemary and filling it with vinegar or vodka, to brew a few weeks and then it becomes a medicinal or culinary extract!  I can keep it in the fridge indefinitely for use though refrigeration is probably not necessary for an alcohol based tincture. But it's where I look when I am cooking up a pot of something for dinner!

This non toxic direction eliminates perhaps hundreds of gene flipping chemicals found in a day’s use of commercial body care products!  Yay! It depends on how sick we are, as to how motivated we are to seek out this direction for making chemical free creams, lotions, sunscreen, deodorant or even toothpaste!

While I am not interested in selling my proven concoctions, I'd much rather simply teach others to do for pennies something that has incredible non toxic benefits!  Looking to history proven methods, used for thousands of years is very fun! Usually, for the cost of a typical one ounce, store bought tincture or salve I can make enough for 6-8 ounces that can last all year long if I need it to! Sometimes we need a little immune system boost during the cold and flu season, help during high stress events or panic attacks, sometimes life worries are interfering with our good nights sleep!  

All these issues have corresponding combinations of herbs that can work synergistically together to support our body to balance out again!  Why modern medicine came along to silence the voice of botanists and herbalists who excel in providing science based remedies is incomprehensible to me!  The green leaves in the garden, the Bible says are for healing!  Herbs and plants have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-anxiety and anti-tumor compounds built right in the plant!  WOWSIES! This information has been obstructed from the general public view for several decades now and most unfortunate for the families who cannot afford the co payment or doctor visit fee and suffer on the sidelines because they cannot afford the help when life happens!  There is HOPE! There are things we can do to help our body heal itself from non acute issues, long before we need to pick up the phone to schedule an appointment somewhere!

Letting some wonderful morning, fresh picked, English rose petals, calendula or lavender flowers steep along with some skin healing herbs like chamomile, lemon balm, comfrey or St John's Wort can also boost the recovery process from a simple sunburn, bite, or unpleasant skin eruption we don't like!

Sometimes, I fill a jar with the combo desired with a skin thirsty oil and sit it in a semi-sunny spot outside several weeks (depending on the combination for 3-8 weeks) to infuse.  Sometimes I'm in a hurry and will place it in the oven on super low for 4-5 hours until I can smell the flowers infused in the oil!

The ancient folk method boasts of additional benefits from being charged with energy by the sun by day and the moon by night!  Or if you can't wait?  Use the oven method or double boiler method also on lowest setting.  Sometimes, I simmer the infusion on the stove covered, with a few cups of water to match the oil but creates the additional step of straining and placing in the fridge for the oil and water to separate and I must drain all water completely out of the concoction before bottling.

  WARNING: Water will spoil the oil infusion if left in the final product during storage!  No water on flowers or in mix during infusion unless you are doing the stove top simmering method and then separating the water out later.

Now my herbal oil is ready to make a simple salve which I may also add some lovely skin friendly essential oils to like lavender, frankincense, peppermint, clove, bergamont, or ylang II, etc.  Or I can take 2 TBSP of oil and mix in a tsp of baking soda and use as a deodorant. So many possibilites.  This method helps me stick to my rule that is; I never put ANYTHING on my skin that I could not eat!
For my 1 cup of infused oil I will add about 1/4 cup of beeswax and melt it 
together in a double boiler. (Usually a pyrex measuring cup in a pan of water) Then as it cools, I add some specific enhancing essential oils and pour it in little jars for use!  Easy peasy!  Smells delightful!  You can do this too.  These are very fun, totally nourishing, non toxic solutions to address some basic every day needs!

Nothing but the best ingredients ever AND I am saving $$$ doing it with minimal effort in the kitchen! is a great place to research the science  and healing benefits about calendula plants, especially the anti-cancer benefits found in some herbs and on PUBMED you can also research chamomile!  Check it out! These are the kind of side effects I can live with!  There are many more to research!  Honestly the best place to investigate the medicinal properties found in plants from nature would be with the former USDA botanist, Dr James A DUKE and his data base full of 30 years of research!

I buy and learn about most organic herbs and flowers I cannot grow, at:

How clean is your drinking water?

How is "clean" is YOUR drinking water????
      Do you even know? 
 If our body is considered 60-75% water should we find out about our source?

Our body REQUIRES 8-10 glasses per day to maintain LIFE and HEALTH! We can never go without water to hydrate all the tissues and organs and flush out any harmful contaminates or toxins we have come in contact with in the day! If we are drinking anything BUT water we are depleting our bodies ability to HEAL ITSELF! In fact the more we drink the other stuff then the MORE we need water to undo what the high fructose corn syrup or sugar or artificial colors and flavors are doing to our insides! 3 cups of water to undo  1 cup of coffee of what it does to dehydrate etc. So how is your ratio of water doing in response to some of the splurging of unhealthful drinks you decide are MUST HAVES? My favorite poison was always Dr Pepper. I just stare at it now, in temptation and weigh out all the harms and how I will feel afterwards. You know it does only harm to me: phosphoric acid will suck the calcium from my bones or 10 tsp of sugar per can or the infamous known poison aspartame. What should I do? Yes or no? Well, I'd say once a month can be a reasonable indulgence after doing once a day for a few years at lunch! So flush your naughtiness with pure clean water always and have a filter pitcher at least!  Remember this: our body is 75% WATER NOT diet soda!   There are consequences for deliberatley choosing the wrong form of hydration over and over!

Save YOURSELF and don't get DEADsies or sickly!
Drinking Healthy FILTERED water is NOT that difficult!

 Can you trust your local agency to supply your home with clean water? Think again! Attached is a reference of the 99th worst city's drinking water: Riverside CA, fueling thousands of homes with contaminants and even fragments of toilet paper in some tap waters!

99th worst city TAP WATER: Riverside CA

Can we TRUST our home TAP WATER?

Fluoride in water is another topic of toxicity and causing many unhealthful consequences thanks to the government regulations that can be causing our illness in America!  Geez when are we going to learn?

Downside of Fluoride in our water?

I prefer a BERKEY water filter to also be sure fluoride is filtered out.  Available online and looks like a big stainless steel coffee pot.  You can transport it with you when you move!  I buy new filters every 2-3 years!