Via: Term Life Insurance
Instead of soda's drink WATER!!!! Or Green Tea and 1/3 juice recipes or health tonic's:
The healthfood store and dropper bottles of green tea and fruit flavored drops into a cold glass of water for instant ice tea ZERO calories that taste great! one $15 bottle makes about 60 servings of tea. THAT is what I make in my daily water bottle to go instead of buying those other stupid drinks that only harm that cost $1-2 each!
If you have an interest in being an herbalist and creating your own fresh tea blend of herbs then visit this site:
Beneficial tea recipes for HEALTH!!!
There is NOTHING healthful about diet soda's or regular. Regular can has average of 10 tsp of sugar and diet has aspartame products that do ONLY harm. So as I have given up my favorite fix of Dr Pepper then diet Dr Pepper so when I pick my poison it is now once every 2-3 months! Giving up soda's is do able and the best switch off first is ice tea. Then pick healthy tea's and much more WATER and you'll be fine and SAVING yourSELF from ALOT of trouble up n coming! The phosphoric acid is behind alot of childhood fractures and ladies and gentlemen an epidemic of early osteoporosis. It's sucking the calcium out of your BONES! WOW!
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