Saturday, January 14, 2012

Health Benefits of fresh air and sunshine?


Anytime we can get out and take in deep breaths of nature, fresh air and sunshine we are getting benefits like a shot for our immune system!  Walking around outside will refresh and rejuvenate our body in a way similar to taking a happy pill!  Taking in the visual colors and fine details of God's creation is meant for a healing affect for our spirit, mind AND body.  It is calming to our blood pressure, a stress relief and can  even out our blood sugar. All the similarities to a 20 minute exercise work out.  Have you ever noticed how animals know they need to lay in the sun and take in the solar energy?  They just know they need to drink water too!  They seem to know that these things are associated with the essence of LIFE!  We can learn alot from watching our pets.  Did you know that you cannot absorb Vitamin D with sunscreen on?

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