Funny, how the last 30 years America had the blessing with FDA approvals, government subsidizing the industries promoting the toxic substances, along with the health care establishment endorsements to stay OUT of the sun causing a VIT D deficiency, The OK to consume artificial colors and flavors, trans fats, margarine, sugar, soda's, high fructose corn syrup and overloading us on estrogen prescriptions, or forcing fluoride in the drinking water that blocks needed iodine absorption for thyroid health thus the new hypothyroid epidemic evolves. With all that, collectively, we have run our health into a crisis point that America is expectantly, unable to pay for tomorrow. OOps, epidemic proportions of cancer, obesity, diabetes and Coronary Artery disease that frankly, could have been avoided if the people who KNEW better would have said something LONG before now on how to PREVENT these conditions??! But of course there was a lot of money to be made in all of this death and dying and disease. So now, we're to just be sure and not miss those bogus vaccines full of mercury and formaldehyde or that annual mammogram or pap smear or colon cancer screening to see if we have IT... YET! Yes, finally, they are serious about us getting HEALTHY to save them MONEY. So, eating our vegetables and getting up to find some exercise by golly or we'll be "deadzies". Soon, they won't be able to afford what it costs to save us!
What we habitually put in our grocery basket was called a "normal diet" and no none cared until there was finally something to diagnose. Keep doing what your doing, everything is fine. ( until you get good and sick THEN we can help you with some drugs!)
Our Sugar addiction has lead us to fatty liver or diabetes and obesity. Smoking has always been responsible for 1/3 or all cancer. Now alcohol drinking 3 or more drinks per day is equivalent to smoking a pack a day for some cancer damage!

This is the story of how we ran pell mell down the rode of illness that was perpetuated with a green light from those in health care we trusted to warn us into life saving health practices. There was no compensation coding available for diet and nutrition counseling so they had no time for it. More importantly they were not TRAINED in the area of Health and Nutrition in the first place. How can they train us if they themselves don;t know about it? But they waited too long before they let the cat out of the bag ie: the secret to a healthy life! Can we turn this pending shipwreck around?
YES! But we gotta SAVE OURSELVES and NOT get deadsies! Eat4life2live.com Keep coming back!
By keeping the healthy eating habit is really good for the healthy living.
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Eating Habit is good, but see to it that you limit yourself to junk foods and oily foods.
Eat more fruits and vegetables.
Too much junk food may lead to obesity..
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