Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Stop the inflow of toxic chemicals! Save yourself!

Part of Health Recovery is pinpointing the entrance of highly toxic chemicals and stopping it to save ourselves and our baby in the womb!! We have got to SAVE ourselves because the Food Companies, the FDA and other paid off entities don't care if these make us so sick we'll need more toxic solutions from mainstream medicine to deal with our adverse symptoms! It is a vicious circle that causes our health to circle the drain! Say this, "I wanna LIVE" . Sharing this graphic from Dr Mercola!  Please SHARE!  Toxins to Avoid If Pregnant
When pregnant, you should take extra care with the foods you eat and the chemicals you use in and outside of your home. There are many sources of toxic exposure that may put you, and your unborn baby, in harm's way. If you are expecting a child or know someone who is, share this infographic on the most common environmental toxins that pregnant women should avoid. Use this code to embed this infographic onto your website.
<img src="http://media.mercola.com/assets/images/infographic/toxins-to-avoid-if-pregnant.jpg" alt="Toxins to Avoid If Pregnant" border="0" style="max-width:100%; min-width:300px; margin: 0 auto 20px auto; display:block;"><p style="max-width:800px; min-width:300px; margin:0 auto; text-align:center;">When pregnant, you should take extra care with the foods you eat and the chemicals you use in and outside of your home. There are many sources of toxic exposure that may put you, and your unborn baby, in harm's way. If you are expecting a child or know someone who is, share this infographic on the most common<a href="http://www.mercola.com/infographics/toxins-to-avoid-if-pregnant.htm"><strong> environmental toxins that pregnant women should avoid</strong></a>. Use this code to embed this infographic onto your website.</p>

Sunday, April 26, 2015

We hold the KEY to our OWN Health & Wellness!

No matter WHAT we have been told, there ARE things we can do to improve our own health and wellness status!  YOU can turn things around!  Improving our energy, strength and stamina can be done by making a few lifestyle changes!  Reach OUT for help!  Hire a health coach to guide you into accomplishing some past due results!  We gotta STOP shooting ourselves in the foot!

Click here

For a kick start guide called Eating4Energy!