Jesus said, Man shall NOT live by BREAD alone! (Matt 4:4.) That means YES, food definitely has something to do with it but so also does faith, hope, trust and also perhaps some exercise and drinking clean water etc.. It is also written that, FAITH without works is DEAD. (James 2:26) Perhaps, we can't just throw around some hopeful or prayerful words but maybe we also must have some action to show for it, to turn toward a path of health and healing promoting habits! Nor should we opt for some reckless 'magic pill' without doing a full examination of the self sabotaging daily habits we have been guilty of that caused the infirmity! So you see, there is not ONE certain way that is the panacea! It is in fact, a balancing act that involves many facets to the equation of good health! Unfortunately, these are facets that most people ignore until there is serious TROUBLE! We gotta wise up and SAVE ourselves!!

Everyone needs beauty, as well as bread, places to play and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to the body and soul alike!
John Muir and he also said;
I know our bodies were made to thrive only in pure air, and the scenes in which pure air is found...
Do you need help balancing out your life to achieve your goal of increased strength, stamina and energy?
Health Coaching is a New Path to Obtaining Wellness!
Do you need help balancing out your life to achieve your goal of increased strength, stamina and energy?
Health Coaching is a New Path to Obtaining Wellness!