Monday, December 16, 2013

Getting HEALTHY is not JUST about what we Eat!

Jesus said, Man shall NOT live by BREAD alone! (Matt 4:4.)  That means YES, food definitely has something to do with it but so also does faith, hope, trust and also perhaps some exercise and drinking clean water etc..   It is also written that, FAITH without works is DEAD. (James 2:26)  Perhaps, we can't just throw around some hopeful or prayerful words but maybe we also must have some action to show for it, to turn toward a path of health and healing promoting habits!  Nor should we opt for some reckless 'magic pill' without doing a full examination of the self sabotaging daily habits we have been guilty of that caused the infirmity!  So you see, there is not ONE certain way that is the panacea!  It is in fact, a balancing act that involves many facets to the equation of good health!  Unfortunately, these are facets that most people ignore until there is serious TROUBLE!  We gotta wise up and SAVE ourselves!!

 Everyone needs beauty, as well as bread, places to play and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to the body and soul alike!    
John Muir  and he also said;
I know our bodies were made to thrive only in pure air, and the scenes in which pure air is found...

Do you need help balancing out your life to achieve your goal of increased strength, stamina and energy?

Health Coaching is a New Path to Obtaining Wellness! 

Monday, December 02, 2013

How did I get Cancer you might ask?

"How did this happen?"  is a great place to start when seeking idea's that will help and NOT HARM our body from this day forward!  We are dedicating this post to our friends diagnosed with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and other inflammatory conditions Ie asthma, food allergies, auto immune diseases etc.  We have been poisoned slowly over the years and there are things others have done that are powerful.   Links are provided below of several different research projects that cured the folks.  The link they have in common?  They are anti inflammatory/alkaline balance remedy from simple everyday food or garden remedies.  If it was me?  I would easily do all of them to go for the desired outcome!  God bless you as you pray for answers......

Fast track to sickness and disease looks like this! The Recipe= Lots of artificial food colors and flavors, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, sugar, obesity, daily alcohol use and of course smoking! Eating animal products which were fed GMO food meal, antibiotics and growth steroids.  GMO soy additives, and public poisoned tap water with dangerous chemicals and fluoride.  Please don't forget about those vaccines you get that are full of known carcinogens and neurotoxins so you don't get the flu!  What a trade off right? Any combo will produce results for your doctor to find something to treat you for. There is NO mystery involved just ....WHEN. Save YOURSELF and don't get DEADsies!

Beware:25 things to STOP ingesting to LIVE in good health!

Sickness is man made and self induced via products that look like this on a daily basis.  If we starve ourselves of the nutrients it takes to give our body the ability to heal itself then we WILL need to keep going back to the doctor until the thing manifests into a diagnosed illness.  That's WHY people go for annual check ups.  They don't do a thing different until there is real devastation involved.  Even then folks won't stop doing the thing that is killing them.  They'd rather take a magic pill starting with side effects instead.  

Is it any surprise we still cannot get Americans to eat their Fresh fruit and Vegetables 5-9 per day for CANCER prevention etc?  This is a culture issue.  The government subsidizes all these big FOOD INDUSTRY toxic artificial products and pays for folks on government assistance to eat foods that MAKE them sick and then want us to be forced to pay for healthcare coverage that will not be able to afford to take care of us at the SPEED we are accelerating into preventable diseases that cost a fortune to manage.

Kitchen remedies that cost pennies a day that will NEVER be studied or acknowledged by BIG PHARMA cancer cure trials!  Why?  Because there is NO money to be made by these DIY solutions to balance your ph to a disease fighting machine!  These things will never get respect from AMA because it is food related but you may just WOW them at your own results.
This is what these people are doing at home and there story that got dramatic results:

MzEatright uses 2 TBSP of daily Barley Grass a day as a superfood with healing POWER! 

Less than 14% of adults and 9.5% of kids even get 3 veggies and 2 fruits per day!   
Very few eat even 3 veggies and 2 fruits per day! 2009 CDC
The dangers of a daily SODA!
If we want to get well or reverse our propensity for disease in our modern fast food lifestyle:
Health Coaching is the new path to obtaining WELLNESS!

Using Hemp OIL is NOT like SMOKING canabis resulting in the HIGH

MUST WATCH the Rick Simmons story

Gerson Center using the POWER of nutrients to HEAL!

Dr Young PHd on WHY nutrients make sense

Dr Furhman on using Nutrients to reverse disease

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Where do I begin to improve my Energy and Wellbeing?

Best place to start?  The daily GREEN DRINK!  Just ask MzEatright!

God made the human body within his POWER of CREATION to do an amazing can heal itself!   The quality of this repair depends on a few other factors:

  • Do I give my body the daily nutrients it NEEDS to maintain and KEEP wellness?
  • Do I give my body the nutrients it needs to repair, renew and rejuvenate itself for ENERGY?
  • Do I manage to live a poison, toxin and chemical free life where it is within my power to do so?
How we honestly shine the light in these dark secret places of our daily indulgence and habits will make or break the autopilots ability to do its JOB!

We gotta eat our vegetables, drink clean water, breathe fresh air and walk outside in sunshine to really change things up.  It's NOT about a drug and vaccine deficiency that our body is missing but quite the opposite.  Drugs, alcohol, smoking and daily artificial colors and flavors,  is siphoning out all the nutrients from our body that are required to STAY healthy.  Then completely deficient; will leave us plopped over in a ditch!  Don't wait til you are in trouble to pinpoint HOW the nutrients have been sucked out of your immune system which leave you vulnerable for sickness and preventable disease!

ALL drugs have dangerous side effects, as they are listed ON TV with every commercial to get a new drug problem opportunity!

Save YOURSELF and say this, "I wanna LIVE!"    Then get back to eating real food, NOT made in a factory and for God's sake EAT for your LIFE to LIVE!!

Need HELP figuring out HOW it's DONE eating for LIFE?

Got JUICE? Tis nothing more powerful we can do in a day!

Fresh, raw juice power packed with live enzymes, antioxidants and LIFE will nurture any body in any condition with energy and furnish what the body needs to HEAL ITSELF IF it is possible in this LIFE!!  Do IT!

Try juicing the produce you may not normally eat or like with a fruit to sweeten up the blend!!

Here's to your HEALTH and rejuvenation!  Best way to take in our needed 5-9 veggies a day!  Make it yourself or visit your local organic juice bar often! Use our superfood barley grass or wheat grass juice, too!

People are always looking for the "CURE" which many groups pull on our emotional heart strings for HOPE and then suck money out of our wallets to HOPEFULLY seek out the one magic "blah, blah" ingredient that will put an end to the business of the one "blah blah"disease.  The American  "blah, blah"Association etc is a government extension of feeding into the "MYSTERY" needing of a DRUG only cure. Not that we smoked or drank too much or ate all the crap advertised on TV or anything!  NOT that we ate too much beef and dairy full of growth hormones, antibiotics and fed GMO feed!   Not that we jumped on the OVER-rated immunization band wagon and filled up on toxic carcinogenic ingredients!   Get it?  there are answers that will NEVER be looked at and we must SAVE ourselves if we want to steer clear of the imploding chronic disease and auto-immune disease diagnosis!

The FDA has the patton on WHAT single item can be called a CURE for or treat one particular condition.  DRUG companies take billions every year for RESEARCH of the ONE thing that they can CASH in on for the one magic thing. The FDA and GOVT and PARMACUETICAL companies are in bed together! FDA see to it that only DRUGS can make health claims for a certain ailment. 

GUESS what?  You notice, no matter HOW much money they collect that there is NEVER going to be that ONE thing that cures?  That's because the profit is in the LOOKING for it, NOT in FINDING it!  The adminstrators of these non-profits always do well with walk-a-thon's etc.  Also, good to know that the drug company will NEVER and HAS NEVER looked at food or plants for the cure because it can NEVER make money on that venue for a cure!  Plants cannot be pattoned.  Only toxic chemicals combined to treat one illness ( that the side effects create MORE illness to treat with different medications etc.)  YEP it's like the hamster on the wheel! Each new disease diagnosis is a money maker for some inflated industry.  NO hope and NO FUTURE with drugs from a billion dollar industry that lobby's FDA and government and medical schools to teach ONLY DRUGS can cure or help.When we quit eating our fresh fruit and veggies and sought chemical remedies only, the health of a nation spirals down!  For all the money paid out in research we are one of the sickest nation of all!  Geez!

This is why they are always trying to pooh, pooh and ridicule those that seek out silly alternative solutions.  Brainwashing and rigid peer pressure against those who seek out and research other paths that have a huge success rate via God's foods from the garden, fresh air, sunshine (VIT D), actually drinking CLEAN water or getting increased physical activity and exercising stress reduction.  Therein lies the HOPE for HEALTH, HEALING and RESTORATION if it can happen it will be when the body is given what it needs to HEAL itself!  The other $$$$$ industry is seeking a fix from the OUTSIDE- in with a band aid for a lone symptom instead of dealing with the BIG picture for health and healing.    Medications are those band aids in chronic disease and must be managed by prescribing physicians because there are more deaths annually from people taking their medications correctly than murders, auto accidents and the like!  All the while, the profession of dispensing drugs NEVER considers the cause rather they are programmed to always blame illness on genetics or etiology is unknown and all they know is that this or that drug is what to give to help alleviate the complaint.  If we're lucky we will get a 1 page diet to go with that drug that we should expect to take forever.

Certainly, it is futile to read into "eating right" will grow out a lost limb or grow a new eye ball, but to not ever consider the power of nutrients and other lifestyle changes can PREVENT, REVERSE and or alleviate a chronic metabolic illness is pure FOLLY on our part.  Eliminating chemicals and toxins in our environment that cause or exacerbate symptoms or illness is just pure common sense to implement.  BUT the big business of disease management is not educated in this area and therefore if they were not taught this in school then there cannot be any validity to it.  Then the common response is, there have been no studies that prove this or that theory.... which is true...the billions of dollars of research money will NOT study dietary causation or cure because..... there is NO PROFIT in that solution.   Also if people got well without medical intervention, it could put a very large industry OUT of business?   NO, that would never happen because most people prefer to take drugs to never change their current habits that got them in that situation.  Then, there maybe the 10% of all drugs given that actually save lives due to conditions that truly were life threatening or hereditary or environment caused or from a acute condition or injury.  That's when we better have some $$$ saved up for a catastrophe!

Bottom line:  there will never be just one DIET, or ONE vitamin or one drug that will be the one big answer!   There are many factors that play into recovering or preventing health conditions.  But never under estimate the power of God's foods or remedies that come straight from the garden when attempting to alleviate or ELIMINATE a certain symptom or condition.  These solutions have been saving lives for thousands of years and without the help of a trillion dollar health industry that many of their solutions have risks that outweigh the benefits!  Balance, balance and research all things before you blindly follow.  Remember back in the old days many illness came from poor sanitation and contaminated water with poop and pee etc.  Only like that in 3rd world countries today!

DON't put all your eggs in one basket!

For more information and explanation for your particular condition seek out other 2nd opinion professionals as well, ie:
Doctors of Clinical Nutrition, Chiropractic and Naturopathy are a great place to start.  Our mainstream physicians have little to zero training in dietary causation but finding Integrative and Functional Medicine M.D.'s who have been educated in nutritional support as well as prescription drugs solutions is cutting edge.  There is a difference!

Meanwhile...We gotta SAVE ourselves and NOT get DEAD before our time! Eat right to feel great!

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Saving the children starts in the WOMB Momma!

Being a good MOMMA begins at the very beginning from conception!  God created things to follow a certain order.  The building blocks of all these developmental stages are only as good as the raw materials to "construct a strong and sturdy structure".  So what we eat can impact the development and health of our baby for years to come.  Making daily good food choices and drinking plenty of water will reduce risk factors that can harm our child's predisposition for disease.

In our culture it is very easy to consume toxic foods that are man made and offer NO NUTRIENTS in return to nourish baby during these critical times.

BEWARE and Do NOT fall for food choices containing:
  • Artificial colorings or flavors or chemicals
  • High fructose corn syrup
  • White sugar, white flour products
  • Hydrogenated/partial oils
  • Animal products fed steroids and growth hormones or GMO feed!
  • Soda's; 'phosphoric acid' leaches the calcium from bones = brittle bones!
  • DUH!!  Say NO to alcohol and tobacco and most ALL DRUGS!
Choose foods for LIFE, HEALTH and HEALING for you and baby as much as is in your power to do so and take plenty of nice walks outside in fresh air and sunshine everyday if you can!
Vaccines harmful effects on our babies....
Need help overcoming personal HEALTH CHALLENGES?

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Communism rolled out in the ALL NEW HEALTHCARE "Business"???

Health Care workers civil rights scorned and HIPAA violations flourish as their own patient information is breached all in a days work across the country!  For the first time in history (??)we see government control and abuse in power at work as they dangle the carrot in front of hospital administrators to receive their earned medicare payments but, NOW connected to whether or NOT they can jump through the hoop and force the remaining 40%+ savvy healthcare workers and physicians to get the toxic cocktail of the ineffective flu vaccine!  Historically 40-45% doctors and nurses refused the useless vax until now.  Refusing consequences are now: be fired or publicly ostracized with the wearing of a mask so ALL will know their private patient health information and their choice over their own body and health "care"!!  Un-vaccinated workers are NOT the problem PEOPLE!  If they were "carriers" of something that was decided existed acrossed the world then WHY worry if YOU got the vaccine? Science DOES NOT support the rhetoric to vaccinate.  Only the robots follow along without researching the truth! Perhaps that is the point; a perfect medium for a social experiment! (Often performed on military personnel and prisoners first!)

The "suits" use sensationalism, hype, coercion and intimidation and ridicule as the strategy to bully these intelligent workers into doing something they know that the risks out weigh the benefits.  Injecting known carcinogens and poisons such as formaldehyde, mercury, msg, aluminum and bacteria grown in dead animal parts and dead fetuses that cover  2-3 strains of flu that only 5-20% of the population may even come in contact within the year.  100's of virus floating around and they fuss over these chosen 2-3?  80+% of doctor visits will continue to be for the other 97 strains circulating!  Now the weakened healthcare worker falls vulnerable instantly the first 2 weeks after receiving the shot.  Administering nurses instructed to hide/ignore the true informed consent from patients and workers that the side effects of the repeated accumulation of toxins in the body increase risk of Alzheimer's, paralysis known as Guillain Barre, and of course cancer and autism is linked with multiple vaccine abuse in children.  These dangerous ingredients can accumulate in the brain causing behavioral problems and also autoimmune diseases.  The live virus itself can cause "shedding" of the virus to fellow workers who can become ill from their own weakened immune system.  Who is spreading illness to WHO?

This shift of government control in the business of healthcare is a travesty on human rights all for kickback money while the drug industry makes billions every year making people even more sick with NEW conditions to keep the medical profession in business!   Funny, all the while having a "FREE PASS" as to IGNORE the TRUE cause and prevention of disease.  We pretend we are getting something GREAT like not getting the FLU?  Instead we are like sheep going to the slaughter, there will be bigger FISH to fry with all the known complications that are being covered up by a money making machine!

Lets talk numbers, the sales pitch "36,000" die annually from the flu?  While those few are severely compromised already with respiratory disease and 5% of those die actually die FROM THE FLU and 90% of these folks are senior citizens who are ALREADY sick who DID get he vaccine
(we'll assume!)

Better numbers to look at:  over 100,000 people die each year from medical MISTAKES!  Another 100,000+ people DIE every year from people taking their PRESCRIBED medications CORRECTLY!  Additionally, HUGE volumes of people visiting the emergency room each year from
adverse drug reactions that require hospitalization.  They just get an, "oh well!"  

The government subsidizes many industries making products that MAKE Americans SICK!  (ie: GMO corn, soy, wheat, high fructose corn syrup, promote dairy with unregulated hormones, antibiotics and GMO corn fed to the animals we EAT!  They poison our water with fluoride +chemicals causing thyroid disease, They promoted trans FAT production and told us to eat MARGARINE for 30 years which increased coronary artery disease! THEY mandate over-use of toxic vaccines that MAKE people sick to protect us from diseases that went away at the turn of the century!)  No thanks!  I'll take my odds at staying WELL the old fashioned way, NUTRIENTS!

No we cannot trust government with our health care nor the medical business' that jump in line for their MONEY/hand outs without considering the harm, sacrificing the staff's HEALTH.  Under any condition I'd rather get the flu and never walk over the threshold for that kind of help!

Healthy people do not get the flu.  If we do, don't worry we will be well in a few days.  To speculate on the MOTIVE behind this CONTROL toward our health demise?      After they BREAK the bank since there is NOT enough money to take care of the imploding numbers of pending sick people, the enemy can walk right in and take us over and Tyranny will be at our front door.  Apparently "tyranny" has already arrived at the front door of our medical workplace!
Nursing student dismissed after questioning about vaccines
Mandatory Flu Vaccine linked to ObamaCare
John Hopkins scientist SLAMS FLU vaccine
5 reasons to never get the Flu Vaccine
 Vaccines effect on our babies!

Tuesday, November 05, 2013

Do you WANT to be well???

Best place to start?  The daily GREEN DRINK!  Just ask MzEatright!

God made the human body within his POWER of CREATION to do an amazing can heal itself!   The quality of this repair depends on a few other factors:

  • Do I give my body the daily nutrients it NEEDS to maintain and KEEP wellness?
  • Do I give my body the nutrients it needs to repair, renew and rejuvenate itself for ENERGY?
  • Do I manage to live a poison, toxin and chemical free life where it is within my power to do so?
How we honestly shine the light in these dark secret places of our daily indulgence and habits will make or break the autopilots ability to do its JOB!

We gotta eat our vegetables, drink clean water, breathe fresh air and walk outside in sunshine to really change things up.  It's NOT about a drug and vaccine deficiency that our body is missing but quite the opposite.  Drugs, alcohol, smoking and daily artificial colors and flavors,  is siphoning out all the nutrients from our body that are required to STAY healthy.  Then completely deficient; will leave us plopped over in a ditch!  Don't wait til you are in trouble to pinpoint HOW the nutrients have been sucked out of your immune system which leave you vulnerable for sickness and preventable disease!

ALL drugs have dangerous side effects, as they are listed ON TV with every commercial to get a new drug problem opportunity!

Save YOURSELF and say this, "I wanna LIVE!"    Then get back to eating real food, NOT made in a factory and for God's sake EAT for your LIFE to LIVE!!

Need HELP figuring out HOW it's DONE eating for LIFE?

Friday, October 04, 2013

MzEatright says, "Not no but, HELL no on the flushot!"

I know it seems to be un-American to refuse the annual flu shot especially being a member of the health care community but let me share why..... I think it's a lot of marketing HYPE to make people think they are really getting something! There may be 300 or so different cold and flu virus' going around out there this year that in my body's weakest moment may pick up one. That is part of being HUMAN!   My body has a built-in weapon system to fight off invading germs and free radicals on a daily basis. I am "exposed" daily to a host of virus's but USUALLY my body is given what it needs to fight off the little bastards!

I am a avid juicer and never miss a daily DARK GREEN juice like barley grass( a super food) or home blend of kale, spinach, swiss chard with some berries or banana with some coconut water. Boom down the hatch and truly MzEatright has NEVER gotten "THE FLU" and never gotten the SHOT!  Once every few years I can partake in a cough or cold but usually I can pin point what I had been up to that got me to a vulnerable state.  If I am HEALTHY those germs just hit me and fall plunk to the ground!


OK back to the flu shot: it may only protect us from the 1-3 (one) bad FLU found on another continent (most likely) and the odds of me getting exposed to that strain on my bad day from eating too much junk at the office potluck is frankly, quite slim. ALSO the ingredients of the flu shot is enough to scare me into next week! Things like formaldehyde, (Aluminum Sulfate metals in other vaccines), mercury in thermisol, etc and others you wouldn't let even your kitty drink!  The biggest farce about it is even though we are exposed to 100's of germs and virus type flu's; they sat around at the lab and guessed what the top 2-3 strains might be and that is only what the flu shot covers!   Its like playing roulette at the casino! What does happen is as I watch all the healthcare staff eagerly line up for their annual dose of formaldehyde and mercury, they weaken their own immune system so they soon get sick with all the other 97 strains of flu they touch!  They just don't get it!  How it happens while they are addicted to sugar, donuts, high fructose corn syrup and eat fake foods with artificial colors and flavor and get this:  THEY don't eat their 5-9 veggies and fruits every day either!  There is definitely a common denominator with those who fall ill.  But if they do the right thing they will recover soon enough!

So there you have it, in addition to this interesting article that says, "oops" it may not help folks over 70 and/or those with a compromised immune system from cancer therapies etc...many are often advised against it.  That is funny, if you are already sickly you better not get it!  WHY?  Because the toxins will make you SICKER!  I wouldn't sip on a formaldehyde bottle or spill some in my green drink would I?

I'll pass! I never have had it and never will. But that's just my spin on the matter! I have never won in playing roulette, the big lucky spin is just like that in catching that one BAD flu! Most likely I will indeed catch the common cold like everyone else who got the flu shot too!

What can these HARMFUL ingredients do to us?

If there are 325 million folks living in the USA than these numbers do NOT warrant taking the useless poison to prevent my ODDS of getting deathly ill.  These numbers are from people who already were sickly types who then died of influenza.  Usually less than 100 kids under 16  succumb per yer.  It does NOT say what conditions they lived or what OTHER serious factors were involved.  Consider the fact that there are MORE deaths to be worried about each year and that is about 100,000 people die each year from medication side effects when they were taken correctly.  That would be worth changing the subject about now wouldn't it?

Arguments on pro's and con's of the other inoculations or NOT!

Ask yourself before ANY vaccine:

  • What are the ODDS of me coming into contact?
  • What are the symptoms if I get it?
  • What are the side effects and risks of accumulated toxins in my body from vaccines? 
Autism? Auto immune diseases? Cancer? Eczema? Psoriasis? Kidney failure? Asthma? Alzheimer's? Severe reactive food allergies?  These problems are imploding within our culture now like NO other time in history!

Vaccines good? YES or NO?

a re-post from 2008

Discover Health Internet Radio with Know Your Rights Hour on BlogTalkRadio

Just say "NO" to the foolSHOT and stay well the old fashioned way!

 How do you intend to navigate through this toxic world and keep FROM getting the preventable diseases that everybody else gets? Health and healing looks like this!  If we give our body WHAT it needs to do its JOB; fighting free radicals, colds and flu germs etc we can expect to come thru the seasons unscathed!

PREVENTION is NOT getting the DISEASE in the first place!  No matter what the odds are against us we have choices available that can push us straight to the TOP of supreme HEALTH!  Lets do it! The miracles of health lie within God's foods from the garden!  Never forget that fact!
Do YOU jump in line for the FLU Shot? Think TWICE!
Part of taking charge of our health is not to be blind sighted about toxins going in!  Do your homework about the toxic levels of poisons within the recommended vaccines today! Long term residual affects of these are linked to autoimmune diseases exploding in our population!
The truth about vaccine ingredients!

We live in the USA with 325 million people in it. I'm not that lucky at the casino either!  I'll take the gamble of NOT getting deadly ill from the flu here!   If I do get sick,  I'll flush out the sickness with pure water, some chicken soup and do some dark green juices to replenish my body to health. Keeping on hand some vitamin C or Emer-gen-C just in case!  Geez!
What are the odds of death by the flu in reality?? 

Autism is linked to increase in Childrens vaccines!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Food addictions may NOT be our Fault!

There are BIG FOOD companies creating addictive agents to be placed in their best selling foods to get us addicted and unable to eat just a small portion of this or that.  WE PIG OUT!   Then they make SO much money on our addiction the FOOD companies give BIG overwhelming donations to Government and Medical Schools and the FDA or Cancer Society or the  Diabetes Association so that they include/endorse these items in the food chain as needed in the food groups in "moderation".   Anytime they condone a little bit of poison then folks take that as a pass all the way til they land in the hospital with a man- made, self induced preventable illness.   Who will capitilize on our foolishness then?  The next group of BIG PHARMA DRUG companies!  See how this is going?  We gotta save ourselves and NOT get DEAD!

Who are the guilty manufactures?
  • Sugar People
  • High Fructose Corn syrup people
  • GMO for CORN, wheat and SOY people
  • Artificial Food colors and flavor people
  • Dairy people who poison their stock with hormones, steroids and antibiotics
  • HYDROGENATED OIL people....remember for 30 years they told us to eat MARGARINE?
  • The ridiculous out of control VACCINE drug people!
  • The FLUORIDE in our water people

Enough said!  ALL this is causing horrendous inflammation in the body and obesity and disease like no other country like America!  Unless they have begun to emulate our ways!

Do you need to take the next step toward HEALTH RECOVERY?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Is your drinking water laced with chemicals ie: aluminum and fluoride??

How is "clean" is YOUR drinking water????
      Do you even know?  If our body is considered 60-75% water should we find out about our source?
Our body REQUIRES 8-10 glasses per day to maintain LIFE and HEALTH! We can never go without water to hydrate all the tissues and organs and flush out any harmful contaminates or toxins we have come in contact with in the day! If we are drinking anything BUT water we are depleting our bodies ability to HEAL ITSELF! In fact the more we drink the other stuff then the MORE we need water to undo what the high fructose corn syrup or sugar or artificial colors and flavors are doing to our insides! 3 cups of water to undo  1 cup of coffee of what it does to dehydrate etc. So how is your ratio of water doing in response to some of the splurging of unhealthful drinks you decide are MUST HAVES? My favorite poison was always Dr Pepper. I just stare at it now, in temptation and weigh out all the harms and how I will feel afterwards. You know it does only harm to me: phosphoric acid will suck the calcium from my bones or 10 tsp of sugar per can or the infamous known poison aspartame. What should I do? Yes or no? Well, I'd say once a month can be a reasonable indulgence after doing once a day for a few years at lunch! So flush your naughtiness with pure clean water always and have a filter pitcher at least!  Remember this: our body is 75% WATER NOT diet soda!   There are consequences for deliberatley choosing the wrong form of hydration over and over!

Save YOURSELF and don't get DEADsies or sickly!
Drinking Healthy FILTERED water is NOT that difficult!

 Can you trust your local agency to supply your home with clean water? Think again! Attached is a reference of the 99th worst city's drinking water: Riverside CA, fueling thousands of homes with contaminants and even fragments of toilet paper in some tap waters!

99th worst city TAP WATER: Riverside CA

Can we TRUST our home TAP WATER?

Fluoride in water is another topic of toxicity and causing many unhealthful consequences thanks to the government regulations that can be causing our illness in America!  Geez when are we going to learn?

Downside of Fluoride in our water?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Farmer's Market shopping is a social outting!!

We have to make an effort to get the most nutrients for our money!  It doesn't have to cost extra because we get just enough that we can actually eat without wasting in the next 2-3 days. If we want to be well, we must say YES to organic, fresh picked garden foods and less of things that came out of a box that do nothing but drop chemicals and artificial flavors and colors into our body which in time will cause us alot of heartache and sickness that was PREVENTABLE!  

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Just say "NO" to disease!

Fast track to sickness and disease looks like this! The Recipe= Lots of artificial food colors and flavors, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, sugar, obesity, daily alcohol use and of course smoking! Eating animal products which were fed GMO food meal, antibiotics and growth steroids.  GMO soy additives, and public poisoned tap water with dangerous chemicals and fluoride.  Any combo will produce results for your doctor to find something to treat you for. There is NO mystery involved just ....WHEN. Save YOURSELF and don't get DEADsies!

Sickness is man made and self induced via products that look like this on a daily basis.  If we starve ourselves of the nutrients it takes to give our body the ability to heal itself then we WILL need to keep going back to the doctor until the thing manifests into a diagnosed illness.  That's WHY people go for annual check ups.  They don't do a thing different until there is real devastation involved.  Even then folks won't stop doing the thing that is killing them.  They'd rather take a magic pill starting with side effects instead.  

Is it any surprise we still cannot get Americans to eat their Fresh fruit and Vegetables 5-9 per day for CANCER prevention etc?  This is a culture issue.  The government subsidizes all these big FOOD INDUSTRY toxic artificial products and pays for folks on government assistance to eat foods that MAKE us sick and then want us to be forced to pay for healthcare coverage that will not be able to afford to take care of us at the SPEED we are accelerating into preventable diseases that cost a fortune to manage.  

Less than 14% of adults and 9.5% of kids even get 3 veggies and 2 fruits per day!   
Very few eat even 3 veggies and 2 fruits per day! 2009 CDC
The dangers of a daily SODA!
If we want to get well or reverse our propensity for disease in our modern fast food lifestyle:

Health Coaching is the new path to obtaining WELLNESS!

Friday, March 01, 2013

Do you read your NUTRITION LABELS?

The first step in health recovery is knowing what chemicals and toxins have been slipped into our favorite foods. If we are aware then we can make a better choice. Nobody has got our back on this. Big BUSINESS food industry lobbies BIG $$$$ to get things approved through FDA and the like. So YES poisons are added that after a time accumulate in our body to produce inflammation, sickness and disease. Look for these worst offenders yourself!

  • Hydrogenated oils or partially HYDROGENATED OILS. Clogs arteries and raises LDL! FYI: (CORN and SOYBEAN OIL IS GMO!) 

  • Sugar or HFCS added, High Fructose Corn Syrup, white flour on a molecular level wears out our pancreas = Diabetes, stores as FAT = obesity, weakens our immune system = sickness - Cancer and clogs arteries raising triglycerides! Also creates non alcoholic FATTY LIVER!

  • Artificial colors (look for numbers in it), Artifical flavors, MSG, preservatives and aspartame = toxic chemicals and some are made from petroleum, a gasoline product. PRODUCES INFLAMMATION all which can result in cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, behavior issues, obesity, diabetes. 

  • Sodium: added in canned and processed foods often will cause you to exceed the daily allowance(of 1tsp), contributes to causing: High Blood Pressure! If we don't use canned or process foods then we can add a little salt to our meal! 

 Look for foods without these things and then buy high fiber on the label with your protein or fat foods.  Like beans, nuts and seeds.  Greek yogurt with fruit etc.  REAL food your body can assimilate.  All this fake coloring and added sugars etc do only HARM which shows up eventually in many different ways.

Need help? Educate yourself!  Know what is going into your kids belly!   Get the APP for your phone and scan the barcodes of things in your pantry right now! Phone APP: "Fooducate" and have FUN with it!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Going RED! Gotta SAVE my own HEART!

We hold our heart health in our own hands!   But the major "beware" list of things that could have pushed us ladies over the edge?
#1 Listening to bad advice since the 1970's to eat TRANS FATS ie: margarine instead of butter.  Any products containing hydrogenated oils or partially hydrogenated oils. Drove our LDL's sky high!
#2 Following the LOW fat diet also instead of choosing HEALTHY FATS daily ie: Omega-3's, fish oil, salmon, avocado's, nuts, seeds and BUTTER!  Also cold-pressed OLIVE OIL and organic coconut oil makes the list!  Our body NEEDS 2-4 TBSP FATS per day for abundant health!
#3 Ill advised to take synthetic estrogen hormones for years ie: prempro, Birth control pills etc causing heart arrhythmia's and coronary heart disease AND cancer in women!  Oops, they made a mistake giving us that!
#4 Having our water poisoned with fluoride to excess many years by government regulations has turned out to block iodine needed to regulate our thyroid!  Result whacked out thyroid and hormones, elevated blood sugar , Cholesterol etc. All the toxic chemicals in our TAP water is another RANT! Look up your city water!
#5 It didn't help for us to double up on daily protein with dairy products that for years have been pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics that were passed along to us and our children causing an array of deadly consequences!
#6 Government capitalizing on our SUGAR addiction by subsidizing the big business of high fructose corn syrup and replacing it as the "cheaper" primary sweetener in all our foods has had dire consequences on the health of America the last 20 years! Clogging arteries, raising triglycerides, and causing Diabetes type 2 epidemic to quadruple since the 1990's!

February is the month for ladies to increase awareness about the prevention of HEART DISEASE.  Let us take a look at the real causes and that 90% of CAD is PREVENTABLE by diet and lifestyle alone! Even if there may be a slight hereditary factor in your risk for heart disease it just means we have to adhere to the things that may just save our lives! Men and Women!

Lets state the obvious first!  Please STOP SMOKING to decrease the probability of a heart crisis!  Also alcohol abuse is killing women!  

Lets  Get up and get MOVING and start getting some good FUN physical activity!  If we are not clearing the SLUDGE out of our veins/arteries with 30 minutes per day workout of SOMETHING or at minimum 3 days per week we are just helping things clog up for a pending health demise! Exercise is a great STRESS reliever as well. It can defuse the toxic effects of stress in our lives.  Stress upsets our hormones and sends free radicals into our system that can potentially cause our worst health demise!

IF we are overweight or obese or anyone not eating 5-9 vegetables and fruit per day or eating the needed whole grains 6-9 serving per day then expect trouble sooner than you think! We need only 3 oz of animal product protein per day. So what have YOU been eating instead? Find out your BMI and get to work to get it down to 25!
These 3 things alone and getting into a healthy weight will reduce our OWN risk of heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and or diabetes! Its a recipe that could be the "panacea" of our time! Eat right to feel great!

We gotta breathe in , breathe out in fresh air and sunshine!  Eat real food!  Stop consuming TRANS fat foods,  artificial colors and flavors!  Get moving somehow that is FUN to clear out the toxins clogging our arteries and stored in our FAT cells!   Drink WATER for a change !

90% of Coronary artery disease and Diabetes 2  caused by DIET not heredity!  1/3 of cancers can be PREVENTED this way as well!  Lets wise up and STOP dooing oursevles in!
Chronic disease is DIET driven! Dr Mark Hyman 

Above all ladies:  Let us celebrate what we do best:  Giving and receiving  TRUE LOVE with all the special people in our lives!  It is in our nature to nurture.  Go give someone a hug and a kiss today! xoxoxox!  
                                           And please let someone LOVE you back! 

Say this ladies, "I Wanna LIVE!" 

Saturday, February 09, 2013

How is "clean" is YOUR drinking water????

How is "clean" is YOUR drinking water????
      Do you even know?  If our body is considered 60-75% water should we find out about our source?
Our body REQUIRES 8-10 glasses per day to maintain LIFE and HEALTH! We can never go without water to hydrate all the tissues and organs and flush out any harmful contaminates or toxins we have come in contact with in the day! If we are drinking anything BUT water we are depleting our bodies ability to HEAL ITSELF! In fact the more we drink the other stuff then the MORE we need water to undo what the high fructose corn syrup or sugar or artificial colors and flavors are doing to our insides! 3 cups of water to undo  1 cup of coffee of what it does to dehydrate etc. So how is your ratio of water doing in response to some of the splurging of unhealthful drinks you decide are MUST HAVES? My favorite poison was always Dr Pepper. I just stare at it now, in temptation and weigh out all the harms and how I will feel afterwards. You know it does only harm to me: phosphoric acid will suck the calcium from my bones or 10 tsp of sugar per can or the infamous known poison aspartame. What should I do? Yes or no? Well, I'd say once a month can be a reasonable indulgence after doing once a day for a few years at lunch! So flush your naughtiness with pure clean water always and have a filter pitcher at least!  Remember this: our body is 75% WATER NOT diet soda!   There are consequences for deliberatley choosing the wrong form of hydration over and over!

Save YOURSELF and don't get DEADsies or sickly!
Drink only healthy FILTERED water!! It is NOT that difficult!

 Can you trust your local agency to supply your home with clean water? Think again! Attached is a reference of the 99th worst city's drinking water: Riverside CA, fueling thousands of homes with contaminants and even fragments of toilet paper in some tap waters!

99th worst city TAP WATER: Riverside CA

Can we TRUST our home TAP WATER?

Fluoride in water is another topic of toxicity and causing many unhealthful consequences thanks to the government regulations that can be causing our illness in America!  Geez when are we going to learn?

Downside of Fluoride in our water?

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Anti-inflammatory Food list:

These are the foods that can reverse, prevent and in some cases cure us from chronic preventable illness such as "self induced" heart disease, diabetes, cancer and arthritis etc.  SICKNESS will always be a result of a lifestyle and for years consuming health ROBBING foods such as processed SUGAR and TRANS fats and chemically altered GMO foods and those with added food dyes and artificial flavors or animal products pumped full of steroids and antibiotics,  these will fast track us into sickness and disease.  Add to this recipe a life lacking in physical activity and smoking or with daily drug and alcohol use and in no time at all, we shall have TROUBLE that could have been prevented!   No matter what,  we can turn things around but by choosing life giving foods that will reduce the inflammatory condition we have created within.
Anti inflammation diet = 200 calories per day of beautiful rich colored veggies and fruit and Fish oil to boost Omega 3's!  Fish oil supplements and eating wild caught salmon 1-2 x per week will release anti inflammatory's into your blood stream much like a medicine.  Increased physical activity spurts 3-4 x per week will also release nitric oxide into your blood stream that acts as a anti inflammatory agent!   Its doesn't have to cost anything to switch up what you've been doing!
Visit your local Farmers Market!  Visit your local JUICE BAR and have fresh juices or smoothies to consume needed vegetable intake!

Say this, "I wanna LIVE!"

Check it OUT: Anti-inflammatory food DIET!

Need "HELP" to get "unstuck" from some unhealthy habits?

Sunday, January 06, 2013

Do you have "sweet dreams" as you sleep?

Our sleep and rest is essential to HEALTH!
Our  ability to obtain this treasured time is precious.  Getting our daily 7-8 hours sleep is a busy time while we are dreaming sweet dreams!  Our trillions of cells are at work to clean house and detoxify the daily bombardment of free radicals, germs and virus we may have come into contact that day.  Our body is working hard to digest the foods that renew and refresh us or the foods that do nothing but harm, as if we ate a box of rocks!  We must digest and move along food and extract the vital nutrients as it moves along the way.  Digestion is a process and takes a lot of energy. You can see if we eat only junk food, those devoid of nutrients that after doing this over and over getting nothing in return that eventually we will become sick from a weakened immune system.

Stress and hormone imbalance are the biggest enemy to getting a good night sleep!  If that is you then for your own health and well being we must work out a plan to keep those culprits at bay!