Yeah, if you want to save your own breasts then ask yourself this:

Do I eat my 5-9 fresh veggies and fruit per day?
Do I drink water?
Do I eat a dark green leafy vegetable daily to prevent cancer?
Do I Smoke?
Do I drink more than 2-3 alcohol drinks per day? More than 3 per week?
Do I take prescribed synthetic hormone pills? Why? How many years?
Do I have a BMI over 30?
Do I love dairy products?
Do I love sugar?
The facts are in, 80% of all cancers are PREVENTABLE. 1/3 are from smoking. 30-40% are from what goes in our mouth from our own grocery basket or drive thru restaurant. Drinking 3 or more alcohol drinks per day is equivalent to smoking 1 pack of cigarettes per day for increased cancer risk. There is an increased risk connection with synthetic hormone use. Whether it is from the pharmacy or via dairy products from cows and beef pumped full of steroids. White Sugar simply weakens our immune system so it cannot fight off free radicals that cause cancer. THE Obesity issue is a YES for much more than just cancer! These things are lifestyle related and have little to do with heredity factors.
To save your breasts you should say YES to the first 3 questions only!
THAT is playing it SAFE!