Interesting, ALL the diets that we get from our doctor say the same thing really. That's why this site has simplified things for you! It's the 'all in one' road ahead! All the other materials you receive that fine tune things to your illness will affirm what you find right here! What is curious is what they print and who do they receive donations from? Ex: The world COW Association, National "eat a steak a-day" Council ??? etc etc!
This BLOG has not been bought off by any "group" and shares what is healthy based on the research collectively from those with PhD's in "Nutritional Science," Naturopath Dr's and/or our nations leading health institutes!
Just in case you don't believe me because who is MzEatright anyway???!? Only God knows for sure!!
I dare you to check out these sites:
Addressing the emotional side and root of compulsive overeating is the Lose it for LIFE program you may find worth the cost for a week or weekend intensive getaway!
My favorite former US SURGEON GENERAL C. Everett Koop
American Institute of Cancer Research
Shape up and lose 10 pound!
EAT 5-9 per DAY!
US Surgeon General
Aim for a Healthy Weight; US Dept of Health and Human Services
CHIP program (Coronary Health Improvement Project) Loma Linda, CA